Rising Authors

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Why “Hope Marketing” Is Failing You—And What to Do Instead

Let’s talk.

If I asked you how you get clients, you’d probably say:


And that’s great. Nothing beats word-of-mouth credibility.

But here’s the problem—referrals are unpredictable.

One month, you’re fully booked and feeling unstoppable. The next? You’re wondering if your inbox is broken.

This is what I call hope marketing.

You hope someone remembers to mention you. You hope a past client connects you with someone. You hope your network is talking about you.

And hope isn’t a business strategy.

But what if you could make referrals predictable?

What if, instead of waiting, you had a system that brings clients to you—daily or even weekly?

This is exactly what I help experts, coaches, and consultants build.

Let me show you how.

Stop ‘Marketing’ – Start Building Trust

Most people think getting clients means pushing harder.

More networking. More social posts. More outreach.

That’s a fast track to exhaustion.

The people consistently getting speaking gigs, consulting deals, and coaching clients?

They’re not selling harder. They’re positioning themselves as the obvious choice.


  • They talk about the exact problems their audience is dealing with.

  • They share real lessons from their work—not just generic “how-to” advice.

  • They show up consistently, so that when someone needs help, they’re top of mind.

This is why I write and post every day.

People reach out because they see my work. They read my insights. They see real results.

They trust me before they ever send a message.

Here’s what my inbox looks like. ( Merely showing for proof no brag session here)

Screenshots of People sending me DM's on LinkedIn

This is not a coincidence. I receive messages like this on a weekly basis.

This is me building trust over time.

Most People Have No Referral System. Here’s Mine.

Most people rely on word of mouth and just hope it works.

But hoping isn’t a strategya system is.

My Rising Authors Ambassador Program: How I Make Referrals Work For Me

Instead of waiting for someone to mention my name, I make it easy and rewarding for them to do so.

Here’s how it works:

I have a Referral Page that I send to people in my network who work with authors and experts.

If they send me a client, I pay them $1,000 or offer them something they actually want.

No complicated rules. Just a real incentive to connect me with the right people.

And here’s the thing:

Not everyone cares about cash. Some people would rather get experiences, perks, or services in return. So I've even done trades!

So, before setting up your own referral program, ask yourself: What would actually excite the people sending you business?

Would they want:

  • Tickets to their favorite sporting event?

  • A restaurant gift card?

  • A trade for your own services?

  • A VIP experience of some kind?

Make it feel good to refer you. When it benefits both sides, people actively want to help.

The Referral Email That Works

Most people hope for referrals. Authorpreneurs ask for them.

Here’s how:

Step A: Make a List

Write down 10, 25, or even 100 people who:

  • Work with the same type of clients as you

  • Have an overlapping audience

  • Genuinely support what you do

Past clients, colleagues, business friends, and even engaged social media connections all count. Keep this list in a simple Google Sheet.

Step B: Send This Email Every 3-6 Months

Subject: How can I help you this month?

Hey [Name],

Hope you’re doing well!

I wanted to reach out with two things:

  1. Who can I refer you to? I’d love to connect you with people in my network. Let me know what kind of client, business, or opportunity you’re looking for right now.

  2. I’ve set up a referral program. If you know someone who could benefit from [what you do], I’d love to work with them. If they sign on, I’d love to [offer a $1,000 referral bonus, buy you tickets to X event, trade services, etc.].

No pressure—just putting it out there. And of course, let me know how I can send good connections your way, too.

Talk soon, [Your Name]

Step C: Follow Up

One email plants the seed. Following up makes it grow.

Check in a few weeks later. Keep your list updated. Repeat every few months.

Worried about sounding sleazy? You’re not. You’re just asking for help—just like they would. If someone isn’t interested, they’ll ignore it. But most people want to support you.

Try it. See what happens.

Jason’s Story – From Inconsistent Clients to a Thriving Academy

Jason is brilliant at what he does.

He’s spent years in the buying and selling business world and knows it inside and out. He understands how to evaluate, scale, and sell businesses the right way.

But his biggest challenge?

The market lacked trust and clarity.

It was crowded with confusing advice and surface-level tactics. He knew people needed his expertise—but they didn’t know him.

When Jason came to me, he had:

  • A deep well of knowledge and experience

  • A real passion for helping people make smarter business decisions

  • No clear way to reach the right audience and build trust at scale

Over the last six months, we got crystal clear on:

His offer. So it was specific, compelling, and aligned with what his audience actually needed.

His website. So it worked for him—positioning him as the trusted expert.

His content strategy. So his audience could see him as the go-to authority.

His LinkedIn presence. So he could build real relationships and share his insights.

And the result?

Jason launched his business education academy last week with six signups, even though he barely promoted it.


Because we knew exactly who to target and how to get them interested.

His website does the heavy lifting.

His content builds trust.

His offer is dialed in.

And now, instead of waiting for clients, he has a system that brings them to him.

Follow Jason on LinkedIn to see how he shares his expertise.

The Power of Showing Up Every Day

I don’t just talk about these things—I do them.

Every. Single. Day.

  • I write consistently.

  • I test new strategies (right now, I’m focused on LinkedIn ads).

  • I refine my website so it always converts well.

  • I ask people to be on my podcast

  • I ask for referrals and testimonials.

And because of this, people find me, trust me, and reach out to work with me.

One of the best examples of this?

I recently had an incredible conversation with a friend who offered up so much insights. An episode that you have to check out if you want to know the inside and out about the brutal truth of publishing with Rose Friel.

We broke down:

✔ What authors are getting wrong about the publishing industry

✔ Why personal branding is the key to growing as an author

✔ How to turn a book into a real business—not just a one-time product

And the best part?

I didn’t do this to “sell” anything.

I did it because I love having great conversations with amazing people.

The result?

More trust. More visibility. More business opportunities I never could have planned for.

This is what happens when you show up every day with value.

Coming next Wednesday: A deep dive into the power of testimonials—how to get them, use them, and why your personal brand website is the key to attracting more opportunities.
