Embracing the Wisdom of a Mother's Love

“Hussein, the only thing that remains is how you made people feel during your time here.

Everything is rented; you have to maintain it to the best of your abilities and be willing to give it all back and return to the light in which we all come from.”

- Momma

I try not to let the trials and tribulations of the world get me down.

I stay the course, knowing something much bigger than I can ever imagine is in full motion, unfolding the plans and stories of every living thing.

My part is to play my role to the best of my abilities.

I'm grateful for my mother, whom I don't speak about often.

She is unique in more ways than I can count. My next book, The Garden Warrior, is about her and the difficulties I've come to understand about her life.

When times were rough back when I owned my little print shop business, she would come to the shop and read the Quran and pray for me.

I'm grateful she's still here with us, and I get to speak with her and be reminded of her love.

And like 2 Pac so eloquently put it.

“There's no way I can pay you back, but my plan is to show you that I understand.

You are appreciated 🙏🏽


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