Rising Authors

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99% of authors and experts don’t repeat themselves enough on LinkedIn.

99% of authors and experts don’t repeat themselves enough on LinkedIn.

I know the feeling—you worry, “Have I already said that?”

The more you repeat your core message, the more:
#1 Your audience remembers what you do and why it matters.

#2 People actually learn from your expertise.

#3 New faces see your content, follow, and join your network.

Why repeat?

Well, because not everyone catches every post (even your best ones).

People won’t remember if you only share something once.

It takes consistent reminders for others to understand the value you bring.

Repetition doesn’t mean copy-pasting.

Here’s how to make it work:
Reframe your message in fresh ways—different angles, new insights.

Take one idea and share it from multiple perspectives, using stories or quick lessons.

Use your highest-performing posts and comments as inspiration for updated versions.

Your message deserves to be heard multiple times—that’s how it sticks.

"Repetition is the mother of all marketing."

Say it once.

Say it differently 100 more times.

Watch your impact grow.

Kick Knowledge 😉