When I first sat down to write my book, I was hit with one of the biggest challenges:
When I first sat down to write my book, I was hit with one of the biggest challenges:
Finding my voice.
I had so many ideas, countless drafts, but something felt… off.
I was writing what I thought I should say, rather than what I really needed to share.
That’s when I discovered a simple yet transformative tool:
The 10-Minute Free Write.
Every morning, before jumping into the manuscript, I’d set a timer for 10 minutes and just write.
No structure, no edits, just whatever was on my mind.
This practice unlocked something incredible—it connected me to my voice and helped me uncover what I truly wanted to say.
By the time I got to my real writing, I was in flow.
The words felt true, my ideas felt solid, and my book finally started to sound like me.
So, if you’re an author feeling stuck or disconnected from your story, give it a try.
Grab a notebook or open a blank document and write freely for 10 minutes each day.
You might just find the clarity and confidence you need to make your book a true reflection of you.
Has anyone else tried free-writing?
How did it work for you?