Rising Authors

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Mastering Focus: Building Your Author Brand on a Single Platform

Focus on one platform.

Once I narrowed down where I wanted to share my expertise, things changed.

As authors, we don’t need to be on every social media platform.

If you try to reach everyone, you may reach no one.

It’s that quality-over-quantity thing.

Start with who you’re trying to reach.

I took Instagram and Facebook off my phone and, honestly, out of my life for a reason.

Not only are they distracting, it’s difficult to make through the noise and the insanity of ads.

Pouring energy into this platform for connections with my audience has been a game changer.

LinkedIn isn’t just for resumes, and I love that people are now sleeping on this platform.

It’s a goldmine of connections and opportunities.

I also learned that YouTube, as a creative video outlet, again focused on the same audience.

Video and writing are both powerful, and I enjoy both.

Know your audience, know how they like to consume content, and take the leap of focus.

Focus on one and show up consistently.

I’ve built the entire Rising Authors ecosystem by showing up on LinkedIn.

Choose one and run with it. You can always add more once you master one.