There are only 2 types of experts and authors on LinkedIn.

There are only 2 types of experts and authors on LinkedIn.

Spenders and investors.

Which one are you?

The spenders:
Scroll mindlessly → wasting hours
Post in quantity → comments and posts without focus
Force out content → wasting valuable insights
Write 3-word comments → wasting precious time
Treat connections like credits → accepting everyone

The investors:
Optimize their feed and their profiles
Comment with purpose → adding real value
Accept connections strategically → when it aligns
Focus on quality → even if posting less

Build meaningful relationships → not just numbers

(Bonus) Type 3: Lurkers → They never take action :)

Time is your greatest asset, friends.

Spend it wisely. ❤️

Message me if you struggle with how to position your expertise into your online presence.


Here’s a harsh reality that not many experts with a job face.


If you read any author or expert related LinkedIn post today, read this one.