The Key to Attracting Publishers: Your Online Presence
The one thing all traditional publishers and hybrid publishers look for is the one thing not very many want to invest in or develop.
No, it's not just a large following or the best connections in the industry.
It's your online presence.
If it doesn’t feel premium and authentic when I look your name up, you will get passed on as quickly as you scrolled past the 100th video on TikTok.
You can't build a following without having a legitimate, optimized social media presence.
You can't do much for them if they don't have a great website to visit as well.
You certainly can't do much with a website if it's not fresh and full of great content that has potential opportunities knocking on your door.
Launching your book and hoping "everyone" will see it and love it and hoping you will get on the biggest podcasts in the world is just that.
I love me some good hope; however, hope needs fuel, and that's called hard work through strategy.
Embodying your book's message is your online presence. How people meet you today is primarily through first impressions online.
So, all your author dreams depend on how well your online presence is put together.
I promise you, no amount of PR, ads, and marketing will help you more than being strategic about how you present yourself and your work online.
Ask me how I know.