The Hidden Cost of Comparison: Joy Theft Unveiled
In our journey through life, there's a thief that often goes unnoticed, yet it steals our joy right before our eyes. Its name is comparison.
The satisfaction of touching one person's life deeply, from the depths of our soul, can feel like impacting the entire planet. Yet, this profound fulfillment is often overshadowed by societal metrics—selling a million books, landing on a popular talk show—that seem to define success. But why do we let these external measures dictate our worth?
Comparison doesn't just steal our joy; it halts our progress. It stops us in our tracks, diverting our dreams into unattainable aspirations based on others' achievements. Who determines what success should look like for us? The arbitrary measuring sticks of fame and fortune fade in significance over time.
Personal revelation often comes in moments of deep personal loss. For me, it took my father's passing to realize that no external validation—no amount of love, attention, or acclaim—can fill the void left by personal trauma. True healing began when I immersed myself in writing my book, embracing self-love, and appreciating the genuine support of those around me.
As a dream chaser, I pour my passion into honing my craft and improving myself. Yet, amidst all achievements, nothing compares to the simple joy of sharing a hookah and coffee with my father, engaging in conversations about life and art.
Beware the traps of comparison. They are subtle distractions that can divert your focus and rob you of the joy of participating in the game of life. Remember, this game is not about winning or losing; it's about play. Keep your focus on the impact your book can make, one reader at a time.
For me, success isn't measured by accolades or numbers; it's about changing my own world and touching lives through my writing. That, to me, is what truly matters.